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The construction process.

The construction process is a complex and fascinating process that can take many years, depending on the size and complexity of the project. Whether building a small house or a large office building, the construction process always starts with an idea and ends with a physical building that can be used by the people who work, live or recreate in it. In this blog post, I will discuss the different stages of the construction process, as well as the key aspects that affect the successful finalisation of a building project.


Design and planning


The building process always starts with designing the building and planning the construction process. Designing a building involves determining the size, shape and function of the building, as well as the materials and techniques that will be used in its construction. This is done by an architect, who is usually hired by the client. The architect will work closely with the client to ensure that the design of the building meets the client's requirements while complying with the country's building codes and regulations.

Once the design is finalised, the architect will make the construction plans. These plans are the basis for the construction process and contain all the information needed to construct the building. This includes technical specifications, such as the dimensions of the building, the amount of materials needed, the equipment and tools required, and so on. All necessary licences and approvals are also sought from the authorities, required to start the project.


Site preparation


Once the construction plans are finalised and all approvals are obtained, construction can begin. The first step is usually site preparation. This includes removing trees, bushes, rocks and other obstacles that get in the way of the construction process. The site is also levelled so that the construction process can start


The foundations


After site preparation, the foundation of the building begins to be laid. This is one of the most important steps in the construction process, as it forms the foundation on which the building will be built. The type of foundation used depends on the size and design of the building, as well as the soil conditions at the construction site.

There are different types of foundations, including a strip foundation, a slab foundation and a pile foundation. A strip foundation consists of a concrete beam poured under the outer contours of the building.


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